TMJ headache is a complication of temporomandibular joint disorder. Every 1 in 10 people with the temporomandibular joint disorder reports a headache. Since the headache is related to the joint so it is mostly felt on one side where the TMJ is not normal. However, in some cases, the pain is present on both sides of the head, lasting as long as the temporomandibular joint syndrome persists.
Symptoms of TMJ headache
- Dull, tightening pain in half of the head
- TMJ jaw pain
- Radiating pain in jaw, face, or neck
- Lockjaw symptoms
- Reduced jaw movement on the affected side.
- Clicking jaw
- Cheek pain and jaw tenderness
- Stiffness and soreness of jaw muscles
- Difficulty in opening and closing mouth
- Earache and tinnitus
Causes of TMJ headache
There are no specific causes for Headache but some common assumptions are as follows:
- Constant grinding of teeth may lead to a headache
- The facial muscles or jaw muscles may cause a headache as they become tired out of supporting and stabilizing the jaw in its abnormal position.
- The constant strain on muscles in the face may lead to a headache
Underlying causes:
Most people with TMJ headaches keep on taking pain killers to relieve the pain. But the underlying condition stays untreated and thus headaches reoccur. Causes of painful Tmj are:
- TMJ can be painful due to any trauma that may have damaged the joint
- Arthritis damages the cartilage in the joints causing inflammation and thus pain with movement.
- The disc in the joint may dislocate and cause pain
- Certain connective tissue diseases might also affect the TMJ
Risk factors
- People with arthritis, may it be, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, are more likely to develop TMJ disorder at some point in life.
- Any trauma or injury might cause dislocation at the joint.
- People who have a habit of clenching or grinding their teeth might also develop a TMJ Headache.
Management of TMJ headache
TMJ Headache is only relieved permanently if you treat the underlying condition, that is TMJ disorder.
To diagnose the exact cause of the headache, your doctor would do an examination to look for any deformity at the TMJ. Your doctor might also send for an x-ray to have a better vision of the joint deformity and structures affected by it.
Medical treatment:
- Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): help reduce inflammation
- Muscle relaxants: can also be given for a few days to reduce muscle spasms
- Anti-epileptics: are used to block the pain signals
Complementary approach:
Most of the time, TMJ disorder can be relieved using complementary methods such as:
- Icing the jaw
- Jaw exercises to relax the muscles and relieve the TMJ headache
- Oral splints or mouth guards are sometimes also beneficial to reposition the mandible in protruded fashion
- Jaw massage can also help regulate the blood flow to the muscles and reduce tightness
- Relaxation training is employed to reduce the muscle pain
- Occlusal appliances reduce the strain from the joint and relax the muscles of mastication
Surgical or other procedures:
- Botulinum toxin and steroid injections are also helpful in relieving pain in the TMJ
- Arthrocentesis and joint irrigation using ringer’s lactate to improve joint mobility
- Arthroscopy is another invasive procedure for the same motive (joint mobility)
- If any other treatment fails, your surgeon might perform an open joint surgery (arthrotomy) to repair your joint and in severe cases, he might replace it. This procedure is riskier
Lifestyle changes and home remedies
- Avoid hard foods that need more chewing
- Avoid vigorous jaw movements like wide yawning
- Break down the habit of teeth clenching or grinding
When to consult a doctor?
If the pain in your jaw or head persists, and you have other symptoms associated with TMJ such as lockjaw or tenderness, you must consult your doctor to help with the underlying condition.
What does a TMJ headache feel like?
The pain of TMJ headache is dull and tightening in character. The pain may persist for as long as the TMJ disorder persists.
How to relieve TMJ headache?
Most of the time TMJ disorder can be relieved using complementary methods such as:
- Icing the jaw
- Jaw exercises to relax the muscles
- Jaw massage can also help regulate the blood flow to the muscles and reduce tightness
Why does TMJ headache worsen after eating?
TMJ headache is associated with Tmj disorder. Any sort of movement at the joint worsens the pain.
What are the signs that my headache is associated with TMJ disorder?
If your headache is accompanied by these symptoms, then it is most likely associated with a TMJ disorder:
- Lockjaw symptoms
- Clicking jaw
- Cheek pain and jaw tenderness
- Stiffness and soreness of jaw muscles
- Difficulty in opening and closing mouth